Our Teaching Team


Curtis PortaitCurtis Nike is a scholar of religious studies, a psychological life coach, an author, a graphic artist, a world traveler, and a tarot card analyst who found her way to Berlin in the mid-90s. She considers herself a student of cats, crows, fairies, and elves—creatures that have stories to tell. She is a collector of mythical memories and a creator of various artistic objects. For her, learning and teaching is a lifelong process that expands knowledge, brings joy, and ignites new inspirations. Therefore, the elements of joy and new experiences are always at the heart of her work.
What else is there to say about her? It’s worth taking a look in this direction: www.curtisnike.com.
Tarot Camp 2025


Thanis PortaitThanis spent her youth as a goth in Bavaria, falling in love with crows and witchcraft. Her magic is strongly influenced by Jungian psychology, creativity tools, modern stoicism, hermetic qabalah, tarot, folk tales and stories of all kinds. She’s also a trained hypnotist in Milton Erickson’s medical hypnosis and a member of the Scottish Storytelling Forum.
A creative person at heart, she has pursued various design disciplines, some academic, in her everyday life; she currently sells dreams to people and studies Creative Writing at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
She lives in Berlin with her wife and too many books, talking to imaginary people in her head and writing stories. Her body may be in Germany, but her soul belongs to Scotland.
Tarot Camp 2025


Pes PortaitPe has been interested in the spiritual world from an early age, but she really got the connection about 25 years ago when she started experiencing the community of reclaiming and its wonderful witches.
She feels deeply connected to water rich southern Germany, but also to many other magical places and old cultures of this earth.
In her working life she moved her focus from solving usability problems to being an artisan, an arts teacher and organizer of small workshops. She combines her love for the beauty of live and her spirituality and celebrates the connection of art, magic and people.
Lughnasadh Camp 2023, Mabon Camp 2022, Heart and Brain of EAS


Martins PortaitMartin is a creative shaman, weaving meditative stories and imagery from words and music.
Spending some years of his early childhood in tropical Papua new Guinea, he soon discovered his love for strange instruments, sounds, and stories. Originally a visual person, he chose to experience the very gradual process of going blind as a shamanistic transformation. About 20 years ago he learned of the method of deep imagery, and has since used and taught this process as a path to contact, re-integrate, and learn from the often fractured inner parts of self.
In his professional life he has been a graphic artist, translator, and now works as a software engineer. He also teaches the didgeridoo and classes on self-development.
Martin lives with Pe in a house with a garden where crows and other creatures of the land are welcome.
Lughnasadh Camp 2023 (Creative Team, ritual musician), Mabon Camp 2022, Soul of EAS


Margits PortaitMargit is an animistic witch. She loves the dance of all the worlds, from here and now to the realms where small and large, curious and indifferent beings dwell. She taught her first Reclaiming classes about 20 years ago. Margit is an Initiate of the Anderson Feri/Faery Tradition and a member of the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids, as well as a longtime Freemason.
Nowadays she lives on a farm at the foot of the Donnersberg with chickens, a cat and several hundred thousand bees. She has been a fulltime botanical dyer for well over one decade. In another life she has a PhD and used to work in international finance before going native.
Lughnasadh Camp 2023

Peti Songcatcher

Petis PortaitPeti is a singer and ritual musician who has traveled to many places in Europe, the United States and Australia, collecting songs and chants from Witchcamps, Goddessconferences and magical campfires to share with others. her vision is to bring people together, collecting and preserving sacred music for the future generations.
Peti lives a grounded, joyous life in the north east of Berlin in Germany. She enjoys being a mother to her talented son and pampering her beloved granddaughters.
Peti has self-produced two CDs, on which she shares her collected songs in German, Spanish and English.
Lughnasadh Camp 2023 (ritual musician)


Helens PortaitHelen is a Welsh Witch. Born between the coalfields and coast. Rooted with dragons in the deep, dark earth and flowing with the clear rivers into the sea. Growing up with the poetry of myth and legend. She has always lived and worked closely with the elements, keeping bees, working with grown and foraged herbs, only discovering that this was Witchcraft 12 years ago. Since that time Helen has studied a range of magical practices with various teachers in Reclaiming Witchcraft and Shamanic traditions. This is Helen’s first time venturing into the role of student teacher.
Professionally Helen is a consultant clinical psychologist. Working in depth with the unconscious as well as conscious emotional and psychological processes, with dreams and imagery. She lives with her partner, their two teenage children, cats and bees in a beautiful village in South Wales.
Mabon Camp 2022


Kathrins PortaitKathrin has been communicating with nature and the spirits around her home since she was a child. The natural connection to nature weakened somewhat over the years, the longing for the connection – even with like-minded people – remained. That’s why Kathrin tried out different methods, from the practical magic used in the student room to workshops where she also came into contact with the method of chakra travel. She found a “spiritual home” when she came into contact with the reclaiming community and got to know the principles of reclaiming.
The question of our own identity, how we connect and what we do with our place in this world also occupies Kathrin professionally. She is a historian and works as a freelance genealogist. In this capacity she also works as a coach in the USA.
Mabon Camp 2022